Thursday, 5 November 2015

The Royal Mint is going to issue 50p pieces commemorating the Battle of Hastings

UK 2016 50 p Hastings BOTH writes:
On October 14, 2016 Britain will remember the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings – a landmark moment in British history. Following King Edward’s death on the January 5, 1066, the lack of an acknowledged heir led to a disputed succession in which several contenders laid claim to the throne of England. Harold II was crowned King after his brother’s death, but immediately faced challenges for his crown from Tostig Godwinson, King Harold’s own brother, as well as William, Duke of Normandy, and the Norwegian King, Harald Hardrada.
The outcome of the battle between these belligerents would change the British Isles forever, ushering in a new chapter with Britain’s first Norman King, William I, known thereafter as William the Conqueror. The 50 pence coin depicts the famous fate of King Harold on the reverse and is designed by sculptor John Bergdahl.
The base metal versions of these coins will be available during the early part of 2016, with the precious versions available later in the year.